dissabte, 30 de novembre del 2013

My fears and Heights

I have many fears for example, I hate the small animals what can kill me, tarantulas, scorpions etc... I think these fears are normal, well, who like these animals? 
My imagination when one horror film finish it's horrible! I hate it!  
But some people hate heights but I love it, I love the sense in your stomach... I can't explain this sense is awsome! I'm a little bit impulsive i think for that i love heights and speed! 
I love climb too

 (i did this itinerary many times! I love it) source

My favourtie horror film !

My favourite horror film is Insidious 1 , well it's not my favourite but.. I like it
Insidious talks about a child, he can travel into a dead world or paralel world only when he  sleeps. But the demons want her body and in the house happen strange things.... And the kid can't wake up. The demons attack the family, her mother call father's mother and she explain it, the grandmother call a woman who can save the kid but for do that the father need to travell into dead world and save the kid.
Finnally father can save the  kid but another demon enter in her mind. 

dimarts, 19 de novembre del 2013

Comic relief

A comic relief is a funny scene in a horror film, it relax you.
Comic relief is used for relasing of emocional or other tensions and it's in de middle of drama or horror scene.
I remeber laugh in Horror Films for example in Insidious 2 but not for Comic reliefs, because this film not make fear it's a very bad Horror Film
One Comic Relief is from Insidious 1 before a accion scene, but I can't remeber what part is.


The director of Psycho (1960) is Hitchcock
 Hitchcock’s most important contribution to horror films was his frequent use of the subjective camera to reveal a character’s vision, 

The psychological horror story

Tell-tale heart is a story from a madman who belived he was sane. Edgar Allan Poe wrote this history and he invented macabre stories. This story was publicated in 1954 
The first P.H.S is German tales by Poe 
Edgar Allan Poe invented other type of stories there are: He wrote Romantic poems of love and death like “The Raven,” “Annabel Lee,” “The Bells,” “Dream within a Dream,” “The Conquer Worm,” and many more.  He also wrote tales of terror like “The Masque of the Red Death,” “The Black Cat,” and “The Cask of the Amontillado.”
With his stories “Murders in the Rue Morgue,” “The Mystery of Marie Roget,” and “The Purloined Letter,” Poe became the father of modern detective fiction, but that’s not all. He also wrote science fiction.  “A Descent into the Maelstrom” and “The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar” are  two of Poe’s stories of the science fiction genre.

dimecres, 6 de novembre del 2013

Gothic Novel

 The gothic novel was invented by Horace Walpole, he writed  The Castle of Otranto (1764)
and in this novel there are some typical things from Gothic Novel
Some terrorifics elements of G.N are:
wind, especially howling : vent molt fort rain, especially blowing : pluja especialment ventosa
doors grating on rusty hinges: reixes i portes oxidades sighs, moans, howls, eerie sounds : sorolls de mussols,
footsteps approaching : petjades que s'acosten clanking chains: cadenes rovellades
lights in abandoned rooms : llums a habitacions abandonades gusts of wind blowing out lights : ràfegues
characters trapped in a room : personatges atrapats a habitacions doors suddenly slamming shut : cops molt forts de porta
ruins of buildings : ruines de construccions baying of distant dogs or wolves : udols o lladrucs distants
thunder and lightning : tempestes de llums crazed laughter : un riure malvat

What makes me happy

The things that makes me happy are laughing with my friends or familiy another thing makes me feel happy is reading, reading is perfect because i feel i am travelling into different worlds, another thing for exaple is to do sport; skiing or swiming i love these two sports.
When I'm happy i'm smiling all day or i'm laughing 

Failing exam is the thing that makes me sad it is unusual but i don't like it. The thing i do to stop being sad is thinking in positive.

Having a lot of things to do in same day stress me a lot. For fighting stress in this case os doing all the things early.