dimecres, 6 de novembre del 2013

Gothic Novel

 The gothic novel was invented by Horace Walpole, he writed  The Castle of Otranto (1764)
and in this novel there are some typical things from Gothic Novel
Some terrorifics elements of G.N are:
wind, especially howling : vent molt fort rain, especially blowing : pluja especialment ventosa
doors grating on rusty hinges: reixes i portes oxidades sighs, moans, howls, eerie sounds : sorolls de mussols,
footsteps approaching : petjades que s'acosten clanking chains: cadenes rovellades
lights in abandoned rooms : llums a habitacions abandonades gusts of wind blowing out lights : ràfegues
characters trapped in a room : personatges atrapats a habitacions doors suddenly slamming shut : cops molt forts de porta
ruins of buildings : ruines de construccions baying of distant dogs or wolves : udols o lladrucs distants
thunder and lightning : tempestes de llums crazed laughter : un riure malvat

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