divendres, 28 de febrer del 2014

Pet Test 1 Writing

Hi Max
I love going to the cinema too!  It is fantastic to travel to different worlds.
I love fantastic films, suspens films or action films, but I prefer watching films when I have read the book from teh fil if the book has a film. 
I like comparing the book to the fil, but It's alwaysbetter the book! last film I saw is Catching fire! It's fantastic! Lawrance is a very good producter and director!  The film is faithfull to the  book, it' s my favourite film! 
Bye Max!  see you soon. 
I was glad when my phone started to ring, I was very happy because I was alone at home but my phone started to ring, I didn't recognize the number from the phone and I didn't answer the phone but it rang and rang a lot of times I was scared but i decided to ignore the telephone.
I was waching a tv program and they said there were pepole who called other to steal their houses. when the phone rang again I thought "come Viana is only a phone2 and I answerd it. Was my grandmother! i lauged a lot! 

divendres, 14 de febrer del 2014

Valentine's day

What s Valentine day and how it start?

Valenine's day is celebrated every year on 14 February.
It's the day when people show their affection or love for another person or people by sending cards, flowers or chocolates.
And traditionally on Valentine's Day  women can propose marriage to their (boyfriend)

 Who was St Valentine?
The day is from a name from a famous saint, but there are some stories of who he was.
 About St Valentine is that he was a priest from Rome in the third century AD.
Emperor Claudius II had banned marriage because he thought married men were bad soldiers. Valentine felt this was unfair, so he broke the rules and arranged marriages in secret.
When Claudius found out, Valentine was thrown in jail and sentenced to death.
There, he fell in love with the jailer's daughter and when he was taken to be killed on 14 February he sent her a love letter signed "from your Valentine". That can be the reason

How did Valetine's day start?

Valentine's Day is a very old tradition,we thought was originated from a Roman festival.
The Romans had a festival called Lupercalia in  February,in the start of  springtime.
It's thought that as part of the celebrations, boys wrote names of girls from a box. They can be boyfriend and girlfriend during the festival and sometimes they'd get married.
Later , the church wanted to turn this festival into a Christian celebration and decided to use it to remember St Valentine too.
Today .St Valentine's day is us by people to express their feelings to those they loved.

This is the origen of  Valenine's day
 This is the link from exercie 
 I have resumed that.


divendres, 7 de febrer del 2014

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was born april 23, on 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon near London.

His Family was "well-off"
His father, John Shakespeare,was Glovemaker, he was keeper, Land owner and Bailiff (mayor) of Stratford.
His mother, Mary Arden, inherited land which was bequeathed to William.
William had 7 brothers and sisters

His education 
He probably attended the forest grammar school until 15, mainly studying Latin. Read much Mythology,Ovid,Pultrach's Lives,etc.,Which he used as sourcers.

He Married 
He married with Anne Hathaway on November  27,on 1582, Marie was 8 years older and they had 3 children; Susana  Hamlet &Judit

He Lived on london
Most of his life and had little to do with Stratford, although he became its third largest landowner, and eventually retired there

A great actor 
By 1592, he was recognized as a successful actor on the London stage-as well as leading poet.
He was memberof a repertorygroup-Chamberlain's Men.

He wrote at least 38 plays
As well as sonnets and other poems. He revolutionized the English stage with his dramatic and poetic genius.

He retired 
from the Theatre this native Straford sometime between 1611 and 1613 having bought a large house called "New Place"

He died on 52nd Birthday on April 23 on 1616 in Stratford and was burid in the chancel of the church of the Holy Trinity.