dimecres, 28 de maig del 2014

My favourite character from a book

My favourite charcatar from a movie is Gale Hawthorne from The Hunger Games.
Gale is a hunter form District 12 he hunt with Katniss Everdeen who is the girl on fire. 
Gale don't have father because his father died like ten years ago with Katniss's father in a mine explotion.
Gale is Katniss best friend but he loves her. 
Gale in first book  suffer a lot because Katniss went to The Hunger Games and for survive she needed to be peeta's girlfriend but not in the reality. The problem is Peeta loves Katniss and he said it in the capitol televison before The hunger games started.
Katniss in second book Katniss think possibly she loves he but not realy because Katniss loves Peeta. 
Gale in last book take part in the war with Katniss but with out Peeta because he is a prisioner in the Capitol. 
In the final two big bombs explote in the capitol and Prim died. Katniss was angry with Gale because he designe the bombs but he wasn't the responsable about that. 
I love Gale because he is so strong and intelligent, he don't talk a lot but don't matter. Some people hate him because they think Gale killed Prim but no, he only designe the bombs. 

Gale Hawthorne
Katniss Everdeen
links: google imatges 

divendres, 23 de maig del 2014

Power of Imatges

In this photo you can see a polar bear beeing happy. The bear is white and a little bit brown.
It is in a little iceberg, watching the sea patienlly. You can see it is smiling because is happy.
In background you can see a big one white iceberg, At the bottom you can see clarity water. 
It's a very interesting scene because the polar bear is smiling.
This photo is paceful it transmits relaxing thaughts.  If you can see this photo transmits a message, water is clarity so it transmits loyal and truth. In the backgraund are a big one iceberg and it is white and white transmits pure. The bear is quiet but can be aggresive and it mean dangerous.
So the meaning of that is the bear is pure and loyal but it can be aggresive and dangerous so don't disturb a quiet bear. 

<object width="148" height="44"><param name="movie" value="http://vocaroo.com/player.swf?playMediaID=s19wFXFMvQAd&autoplay=0"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://vocaroo.com/player.swf?playMediaID=s19wFXFMvQAd&autoplay=0" width="148" height="44" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object><br><a href="http://vocaroo.com" style="font-size:xx-small;" title="Vocaroo Voice Recorder">Audio recording &gt;&gt;</a>

divendres, 16 de maig del 2014

News- Gold under water

About 1.3 million dollars’ worth of treasure has been recovered from a shipwreck in the Atlantic Ocean.
A deep-ocean exploration company in Florida says it has recovered nearly 1,000 ounces (28.3 kilograms) of gold from the ship which had 21 tons of gold aboard at the time of its sinking in 1857. The dive confirmed the ship had not been disturbed since 1991 when another company stopped recovery work.
“During the first reconnaissance dive, we actually picked up several gold items. We had five gold bars that totalled 1,000 ounces in weight. We also picked up two mid-1800s 20 dollar gold pieces.”
The two $20 Double Eagle coins discovered are said to fetch an average of $5,000 from collectors.
The sinking, caused by a hurricane off the coast of South Carolina, sparked a huge financial crisis in America, dubbed the Panic of 1857, which lasted several years.
Difficult words: treasure (valuable things like gold), reconnaissance (recovery), dubbed (named)

Has been dicobbered a treasure from a shipwreck in the Atlantic Ocean. About 1.3 million dollars has been discovered. A deep-ocean exploration company says it has recovered nearly 1,000 ounces (28.3 kilograms) of gold from the ship is there since 1857.
“During the first reconnaissance dive, we actually picked up several gold items [...] "
The two $20 Double Eagle coins discovered are said to fetch an average of $5,000 from collectors.

divendres, 9 de maig del 2014


We went to Berlin in Holly Week and was fantastic, we visited  lot of places; consentration camp, museums -a lot of museums-. 
We walked a lot and we were very tired. The food was normal exept for dinner! I HATE that food!! Was horrible, always with this stupid sauce, and "Kartoffel"(potatos). The meat was horrible too. 
My favorite place was Alexander Platz. This place was wonderful.
We went a Turkish neighborhood  for lunch something, normally if you go in Turkish neighborhood you eat a Kebab or something like that, but no, my group and I ate a pizza! Maybe we are strange or maybe we are more intelligent than others. 
My favorite museum was about ancient civilisations. There was Nefertiti's bust, was amazing, I love that, another museum near  "Nefertiti's bust museum" there was a Greek temple and there was represented "Titanomaquia" .
We went to diferents museums who honored Jewish. We went to consentration camp, was good. 
We visited a lot of munuments too.