divendres, 9 de maig del 2014


We went to Berlin in Holly Week and was fantastic, we visited  lot of places; consentration camp, museums -a lot of museums-. 
We walked a lot and we were very tired. The food was normal exept for dinner! I HATE that food!! Was horrible, always with this stupid sauce, and "Kartoffel"(potatos). The meat was horrible too. 
My favorite place was Alexander Platz. This place was wonderful.
We went a Turkish neighborhood  for lunch something, normally if you go in Turkish neighborhood you eat a Kebab or something like that, but no, my group and I ate a pizza! Maybe we are strange or maybe we are more intelligent than others. 
My favorite museum was about ancient civilisations. There was Nefertiti's bust, was amazing, I love that, another museum near  "Nefertiti's bust museum" there was a Greek temple and there was represented "Titanomaquia" .
We went to diferents museums who honored Jewish. We went to consentration camp, was good. 
We visited a lot of munuments too.

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