divendres, 25 d’octubre del 2013

Harry Potter and my house

One of my favourite saga is Harry Potter by JKRowling. This saga tolk about Harry Potter, he is a kid who survival a attack from Lord Voldemort, for that, Harry, is famous because he is alive, and nobody is alive after Voldemort attack's. He go a Hogwarts, it's a school of wicthcraft and wizardy and the hogwarts's motto is :Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus it means: Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon.
There are four houses in hogwarts: Slytherin,Hogwarts,Ravenclaw and finally Hufflepuff. I prefer Ravencalw house, because I did diferent tests and all time my result is ravenclaw, but this house are my favourite because, appart for the tests, my favourite ghost is from Ravenclaw, is The Grey Lady.
 Ravenclaw values intelligence, creativity, learning, and wi, th colors are blue and bronze The house mascot is an eagle and the house colours are blue and bronze (blue and grey in the films). The Ravenclaw motto is "Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure".
Harry Potter, went in Gryffindor like Hermione and Ron his friends, they did a lot of adventures, finally Harry killed Voldemort.
Is for all the things from Harry Potter's world i love harry potter.

Photos: source 

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