divendres, 21 de març del 2014

Romeo and Juliet reflexions

Question 1. SETTING:Places Where does the classical play and the new version take place? Example: Verona vs Verona Beach . Where are they? Which century?
The classical play take place in Verona,Italy, on fourteenth century.
 And the new version  take place in Verona Beach, USA is a parody of typical city near sea in 80' more or less. 

Question 2.IMAGERY: metaphors & images :
WATER (swimming pool, beach, aquarium...) and FIRE (petrol station, fights...)
DAY and NIGHT, the MOON. What do they mean?

These metaphors and images like swimming pool, aquarium make a pacefull and romantic atmosphere these atmospheres are when Romeo and Juliet are together because they are happy and in love. But when  Tybalt die are rainnig so the rain symbolize tears, Romeo are scared because Tybalt is dead and he killed him. 
Thunderstorm appers when Mercutio die and it means a change because after this start the destrucion.
The fire, petrol station... symbolize danger always appears in fights when there are a lot of action. It can symbolize death like night, but the moon symbolize secrets because Romeo and Juliet talked on night. 

Question 3.LANGUAGE. Which characters speak in verse and which in prose? Who is the narrator?
The characters who speak in verse are Romeo and Juliet princpally but Benvolio, Tybalt and Mercutio speak in verse too.
The other characters speak in prose are the other charcaters.

Question 4. THE FANCY DRESS PARTY.What's the role of the costumes?
The role of the costumers :Juliet is a angel and symbolize innocence.Romeo is a Knight and simbolize brave and protecion, Lady Capulet is cleopatra and  simbolize power and beauty.
Lord Capulet is Ceaser and symbolize power and dictadure.
Mercutio is a  "travesti" and symbolize the show and peace.
Tyblat is a demon and symbolize the devil.
Paris is a astronaut and symbolize he is always in the moon

Question 5. ELEMENTS. To make the new version, basic elements have been changed. Example: swords for gun
They change a lot of elements like: the party costumers for the masks party
the Prince of Verona for the sherif
the cars from the horses and a lot of things more.
Question 6. Other differences of the classical version and the film version
The classical version isn't comical and is more serious but in the film version is more comical, for example Mercutio is a showman, Paris in the classical version is intelligent and in the film version is a little bit silly. 
The friar lawrance is strange. He isn't a normal friar, he is a modern friar

divendres, 7 de març del 2014

Love song- Taylor Swift

We were both young when I first saw you.- Tots dos erem joves quan et vaig veure
I close my eyes and the flashback starts:   Tanco els meus ulls i els flaixbacs començen
I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air. - Estic aqui al balcó amb l'aire d'estiu

See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns. -mira les llums,mira la festa, mira els vestits de gala

See you make your way through the crowd- miro com camines fent pas enmig d ela gent
And say, "Hello,"- I dius "hola
Little did I know... -has fet una cosa petita ho sé

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles,-  Estaves aqui Romeo, Estaves tirant pedretes 
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet" - I el meu papa va dir " Allunya't de la Juliet"
And I was crying on the staircase  - I estava plorant a les escales
Begging you, "Please don't go" - et vaig suplicar " Siusplau no t'envagis "
And I said...  I vaig dir....

Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. -Romeo, portem a algun lloc on podem estar sols

I'll be waiting; all that's left to do is run. - Estaré esperarnt, tot tot el que queda per fer és córrer

You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess, -  Sigues el meu príncep, jo seré la teva princesa
It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes." - És una història d'amor, "estimat", només digues "si"

So I sneak out to the garden to see you. - Em vaig escapar a fora al jardí per veure't
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew - Nosaltres vam estar quiets perquè si ho sabien estàvem morts 
So close your eyes... escape this town for a little while. - Tanca els ulls, escapa d'aquest poble per una estona
Oh, oh. Oh, Oh

'Cause you were Romeo – I was a scarlet letter, Perque tu eres en Romeo- Era un estigma
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet." - I el meu papa va dir " Allunya't de la Juliet"
But you were everything to me, -Però tu ho eres tot per mi 
I was begging you, "Please don't go." -et vaig suplicar " Siusplau no t'envagis "
And I said...  I vaig dir....

Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.  Romeo, portem a algun lloc on podem estar sols
I'll be waiting; all that's left to do is run.  Romeo, portem a algun lloc on podem estar sols
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess. Sigues el meu príncep, jo seré la teva princesa
It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes." És una història d'amor, "estimat", només digues "si"

Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel. Romeo salva'm, ells esta intentant dir-me com tinc de sentir
This love is difficult but it's real. L'amor es difícil però és real 

Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess. No t'espantis, ho farem fora d'aquest embolic

It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes."  És una història d'amor, "estimat", només digues "si"

Oh, oh. Oh, Oh

I got tired of waiting Estic cansada d'esperar

Wondering if you were ever coming around. Estria sorpresa si tornessis 

My faith in you was fading   La meva fe en tu s'esvaïa
When I met you on the outskirts of town.  Quan et vaig conèixer als afores del poble
And I said. I vag dir

"Romeo, save me, I've been feeling so alone. Romeo salva'm, Em sento molt sola
I keep waiting for you but you never come. T'estic esperant però tu mai vens
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think."  És al meu cap? No sé què pensar
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said...  Ell es va agenollar a terra i va treure un anell i va dir ...

"Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone. Casa't amb mi Juliet, mai tindràs que estar sola
I love you, and that's all I really know. T'estimo i això és el que sé del cert
I talked to your dad – go pick out a white dress Vaig parlar amb el teu pare- treu fora el vestit blanc
It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes." És una història d'amor, "estimada", només digues "Sí" 

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh,oh,oh,oh,oh

'Cause we were both young when I first saw you.   Tots dos erem joves quan et vaig veure

I think this song explain basiclly Romeo and Juliet but is a little bit different for example: her parents want this marriage (at finally) and in the story no. 
I like this song is beauty and romantic. 

My favorites actors.

 My favorites actors are: Emma Watson, Jennifer Lawrence, Theo James and Liam Hemsworth. 
Possibly are my favorites because they made or are making the film from my favorites books. 
For example Emma Watson made Harry Potter with Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint. They made eight films during ten years..
 I think Emma Watson is a great actress, she made anothers films like
 The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Bling Ring and This Is the End 
 Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth are making Mockinjay the 3th part of The Hunger Games, I Love this trilogy and the actors of course (specially Liam) 

Jennifer Lawrance is a great actress, she is funny,real, She isn't the typical "Hollywood star" Jennifer loves eat and she said it! not like another stars who they think "yeah, I'm look fine, be like me, don't eat so much or you will be fat, and you are nothing if you are fat".  she made a lot of films and she won a lot of oscars! 
 Films:The Poker  HouseWinter's Bone The Burning Plain Like Crazy The Beaver X-Men: First Class Raven Darkholme / Mystique The Hunger Games The Hunger Games: Catching Fire X-Men: Days of Future Past and more and more.
Liam Hemsworth is a great actor too, like his brother Chris Hemsworth who played Thor in "the Avengers" 
Are the most recent. 
Finally Theo James, Theo James is perfect he has a lot of talent and he actually is making Divergent! a great novel (and trilogy) 
films: Divergent  Underworld: Awakening The Inbetweeners Movie are the most recent. 

dimarts, 4 de març del 2014

Romeo & Juliet SUMMARY

The Montagues and the Capulets were two families who lived in Verona. They heated each other. One day the Capulets servants met two Montagues servants, they started to fight. Benvolio, who liked peace, told them to stop, but Tybalt, who love fighting, told them to continue. Lord and Lady montague and Lord and Lady Capulet arrived and started to fight too. The Prince of Verona arrived and was very angry he told them "If you fight again you will be punished with death" 
Lord and Lady Montague were very worried  about Romeo because he was very sad. Benvolio asked Romeo why he was sad, Romeo said he was in love with Rosaline. 
Lord Capulet decide to have a party. He wanted Juliet to met Paris because he wanted Juliet and Paris to get married.
Romeo,Benvolio and Mercutio went secretly to the party, it was a masred party. At the party Tybalt recognized Romeo's voice but lord Capulet told him: he must not fight. Romeo saw Juliet and he fell in love. They kissed and later they met on the balcony and decided to get married. 
Romeo and Juliet get married. Firar Lawrence orgenized the secret wedding.
In the street Tybalt met Romeo and Mercutio. Tybalt want to fight but Romeo didn't want so Merctuio was angry with Romeo and they started to fight. Tybalt killed Mercutio because Romeo tried to stop the fight. Romeo killed Tybalt. Now Romeo had to leave Verona because teh Prince had bunished him. Romeo goes to Mantoa.
Lord Capulet wants to marriage Juliet and Paris but she don't want it.
Friar Laurance gived Juliet a potion, it makes he fell asleep 42 hours. Friar Laurance want to tell it to Romeo but a servant can't find him. Romeo went to Verona ans saw Juliet, he tought she was dead, but Paris was there, they fought and Romeo killed Paris, he killed himself with a poison. Juliet wakes up and saw Romeo dead he killed herself with a kinfe. 