dimarts, 4 de març del 2014

Romeo & Juliet SUMMARY

The Montagues and the Capulets were two families who lived in Verona. They heated each other. One day the Capulets servants met two Montagues servants, they started to fight. Benvolio, who liked peace, told them to stop, but Tybalt, who love fighting, told them to continue. Lord and Lady montague and Lord and Lady Capulet arrived and started to fight too. The Prince of Verona arrived and was very angry he told them "If you fight again you will be punished with death" 
Lord and Lady Montague were very worried  about Romeo because he was very sad. Benvolio asked Romeo why he was sad, Romeo said he was in love with Rosaline. 
Lord Capulet decide to have a party. He wanted Juliet to met Paris because he wanted Juliet and Paris to get married.
Romeo,Benvolio and Mercutio went secretly to the party, it was a masred party. At the party Tybalt recognized Romeo's voice but lord Capulet told him: he must not fight. Romeo saw Juliet and he fell in love. They kissed and later they met on the balcony and decided to get married. 
Romeo and Juliet get married. Firar Lawrence orgenized the secret wedding.
In the street Tybalt met Romeo and Mercutio. Tybalt want to fight but Romeo didn't want so Merctuio was angry with Romeo and they started to fight. Tybalt killed Mercutio because Romeo tried to stop the fight. Romeo killed Tybalt. Now Romeo had to leave Verona because teh Prince had bunished him. Romeo goes to Mantoa.
Lord Capulet wants to marriage Juliet and Paris but she don't want it.
Friar Laurance gived Juliet a potion, it makes he fell asleep 42 hours. Friar Laurance want to tell it to Romeo but a servant can't find him. Romeo went to Verona ans saw Juliet, he tought she was dead, but Paris was there, they fought and Romeo killed Paris, he killed himself with a poison. Juliet wakes up and saw Romeo dead he killed herself with a kinfe. 

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