divendres, 21 de març del 2014

Romeo and Juliet reflexions

Question 1. SETTING:Places Where does the classical play and the new version take place? Example: Verona vs Verona Beach . Where are they? Which century?
The classical play take place in Verona,Italy, on fourteenth century.
 And the new version  take place in Verona Beach, USA is a parody of typical city near sea in 80' more or less. 

Question 2.IMAGERY: metaphors & images :
WATER (swimming pool, beach, aquarium...) and FIRE (petrol station, fights...)
DAY and NIGHT, the MOON. What do they mean?

These metaphors and images like swimming pool, aquarium make a pacefull and romantic atmosphere these atmospheres are when Romeo and Juliet are together because they are happy and in love. But when  Tybalt die are rainnig so the rain symbolize tears, Romeo are scared because Tybalt is dead and he killed him. 
Thunderstorm appers when Mercutio die and it means a change because after this start the destrucion.
The fire, petrol station... symbolize danger always appears in fights when there are a lot of action. It can symbolize death like night, but the moon symbolize secrets because Romeo and Juliet talked on night. 

Question 3.LANGUAGE. Which characters speak in verse and which in prose? Who is the narrator?
The characters who speak in verse are Romeo and Juliet princpally but Benvolio, Tybalt and Mercutio speak in verse too.
The other characters speak in prose are the other charcaters.

Question 4. THE FANCY DRESS PARTY.What's the role of the costumes?
The role of the costumers :Juliet is a angel and symbolize innocence.Romeo is a Knight and simbolize brave and protecion, Lady Capulet is cleopatra and  simbolize power and beauty.
Lord Capulet is Ceaser and symbolize power and dictadure.
Mercutio is a  "travesti" and symbolize the show and peace.
Tyblat is a demon and symbolize the devil.
Paris is a astronaut and symbolize he is always in the moon

Question 5. ELEMENTS. To make the new version, basic elements have been changed. Example: swords for gun
They change a lot of elements like: the party costumers for the masks party
the Prince of Verona for the sherif
the cars from the horses and a lot of things more.
Question 6. Other differences of the classical version and the film version
The classical version isn't comical and is more serious but in the film version is more comical, for example Mercutio is a showman, Paris in the classical version is intelligent and in the film version is a little bit silly. 
The friar lawrance is strange. He isn't a normal friar, he is a modern friar

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