dissabte, 7 de juny del 2014

Game of Thrones

I am reading Game of Thrones and it is a exiting saga, I'm reading the second book acutally and I love it. 
A lot of people watch the serie but i prefer read all the books first and after watch all the seasons. Actually it have four seasons but it will has 7 seasons and one film. 
There are five books actually but still have three more to go out, so I have a lot of work! 
This stroy is about  a legend. There are the most important famílies are the Lannisters, Starks, Targaryen and Greyjoy ( all of they fight for throne of 7 kingdoms) 
.The Lannisters wants to kill the Starks , the Greyjoy family are friend of the Starks, and The Targaryens wants to kill the Lannisters but Stark want to kill Lannisters too. Basiclly everybody want kill Lannisters. 

Actually my favourite family i Stark family because they are horonable, strong and loyal. They live at North and they love winter ( I love it too). Their motto is "Winter is coming" and  it more generally expresses the sentiment that there are always dark periods in each of our lives, and even if things are good now ("summer"), we must always be ready for a dark period when events turn against us ("winter"). 

My favourite character is Arya Stark, because she is strong and persuasive( She is more Strak than Tully (her mother is aTully her father is a Stark) ) . She fight like a boy and Arya is not the typical girl ,like her sister Sansa, who loves sew, dancing writing etc.. No, she is more active she is stubborn too, like me.
 Arya is older than Sansa psychologically for that I love she too. 
I'm very identificated with her so for all these reasons she is my favourite charecter. 


Jon Snow :

Arya Stark 

Bran Stark

Rickon Stark 

Robb Stark 

Sansa Stark 

Ned Stark

Catelyn Stark 

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