dissabte, 7 de juny del 2014

Game of Thrones

I am reading Game of Thrones and it is a exiting saga, I'm reading the second book acutally and I love it. 
A lot of people watch the serie but i prefer read all the books first and after watch all the seasons. Actually it have four seasons but it will has 7 seasons and one film. 
There are five books actually but still have three more to go out, so I have a lot of work! 
This stroy is about  a legend. There are the most important famílies are the Lannisters, Starks, Targaryen and Greyjoy ( all of they fight for throne of 7 kingdoms) 
.The Lannisters wants to kill the Starks , the Greyjoy family are friend of the Starks, and The Targaryens wants to kill the Lannisters but Stark want to kill Lannisters too. Basiclly everybody want kill Lannisters. 

Actually my favourite family i Stark family because they are horonable, strong and loyal. They live at North and they love winter ( I love it too). Their motto is "Winter is coming" and  it more generally expresses the sentiment that there are always dark periods in each of our lives, and even if things are good now ("summer"), we must always be ready for a dark period when events turn against us ("winter"). 

My favourite character is Arya Stark, because she is strong and persuasive( She is more Strak than Tully (her mother is aTully her father is a Stark) ) . She fight like a boy and Arya is not the typical girl ,like her sister Sansa, who loves sew, dancing writing etc.. No, she is more active she is stubborn too, like me.
 Arya is older than Sansa psychologically for that I love she too. 
I'm very identificated with her so for all these reasons she is my favourite charecter. 


Jon Snow :

Arya Stark 

Bran Stark

Rickon Stark 

Robb Stark 

Sansa Stark 

Ned Stark

Catelyn Stark 

A powerful song

One powerful song is Hapy by Pharrel Williams. I think is a powerful song because it makes everybody happy. It noy says a lot but the rhythm is so active and the song has a lot of energy. 

the lyrics:
Sunshine she’s here, you can take a break
I’m a hot air balloon that could go to space
With the air, like I don’t care baby by the way

Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do

[Verse 2:]
Here come bad news talking this and that, yeah,
Well, give me all you got, and don’t hold it back, yeah,
Well, I should probably warn you I’ll be just fine, yeah,
No offense to you, don’t waste your time
Here’s why


Hey, come on

Bring me down
Can't nothing bring me down
My level's too high
Bring me down
Can't nothing bring me down
I said (let me tell you now)
Bring me down
Can't nothing bring me down
My level's too high
Bring me down
Can't nothing bring me down
I said

[Chorus 2x]

Hey, come on

Bring me down… can’t nothing…
Bring me down… my level's too high…
Bring me down… can’t nothing…
Bring me down, I said (let me tell you now)

[Chorus 2x]

Come on
Pot semblar una bogeria el que estic a punt de dir.
Llum del sol: ella és aquí, pots prendre un descans.
Sóc un globus aerostàtic que podria anar a l'espai,
amb l'aire, com si no m'importés afecte, per cert,
perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si et sents com una habitació sense teulada.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si sents que la felicitat és la veritat.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si saps el que és la felicitat per a tu.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si sents que això és el que vols fer.
Aquí vénen les males notícies, parlant d'això i allò.
Bé, dóna'm tot el que tinguis i no et continguin.
Bé, probablement hauria avisar
que simplement, estaré bé.
No t'ofenguis, no perdis el temps,
aquí està el perquè:
perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si et sents com una habitació sense teulada.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si sents que la felicitat és la veritat.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si saps el que és la felicitat per a tu.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si sents que això és el que vols fer.
-Feliç-enfonsar-me, res no pot fer-ho 
Els meus nivells són massa alts-feliç-per enfonsar-me.
He dit que res-feliç-pot enfonsar-me.
-Feliç-enfonsar-me, res no pot fer-ho,
Els meus nivells són massa alts-feliç-per enfonsar-me.
He dit que res-feliç-pot enfonsar-me.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si et sents com una habitació sense teulada.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si sents que la felicitat és la veritat.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si saps el que és la felicitat per a tu.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si sents que això és el que vols fer.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si et sents com una habitació sense teulada.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si sents que la felicitat és la veritat.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si saps el que és la felicitat per a tu.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si sents que això és el que vols fer.
-Feliç-enfonsar-me, res no pot fer-ho,
Els meus nivells són massa alts-feliç-per enfonsar-me.
He dit que res-feliç-pot enfonsar-me.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si et sents com una habitació sense teulada.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si sents que la felicitat és la veritat.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si saps el que és la felicitat per a tu.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si sents que això és el que vols fer.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si et sents com una habitació sense teulada.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si sents que la felicitat és la veritat.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si saps el que és la felicitat per a tu.
Perquè sóc feliç.
Pica de mans si sents que això és el que vols fer.

link of the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Sxv-sUYtM

divendres, 6 de juny del 2014

Next station: LONDON

This summer we ( me family and I ) will go to London. I think is a incredible oportunity for learning more english. 
This trip is very exciting and I really want to do that but I'm a little bit nervous because is a different country ( I had travelled to France, Italy etc but all these countrys are latin countries and more or less the languages are similar) but I don't worry because is a very exiting trip.
In London I will visit Warner Bros Studio Tour London is a studio who have the Harry Potter's Making off and it will be sooo exciting, I will do a lot of photos and i will buy a Ravenclaw's scarf. So it will be fantsatic.
We will visit the typical London monuments and museums; The Big Ben, the London eye etc. 
I hope we will visit the London's wax museum it has very good reputation. 
Hope it will be a good trip. 

There are some photos from London(all the photos are from google images): 

My favourite Tv Show

My favourite Tv Show is called "how I met your mother" The series follows the main character, Ted Mosby, and his group of friends in Manhattan. As a framing device, Ted, in the year 2030, recounts to his son and daughter the events that led him to meeting their mother. 
  • Josh Radnor as Ted Mosby, an architect, college professor and the central character of the series. Ted moved to New York City with his friends Marshall and Lily after graduating from Wesleyan University. In New York, he met Barney and Robin, who became part of the group. Ted is on a quest for happiness and "The One", the woman he will marry.. He is an Star Wars fan and is often heard quoting the films, and frequently mentions his favorite poet, the Chilean Pablo Neruda. Ted is from Shaker Heights, Ohio, but considers himself a true New-Yorker, showing a massive hatred forNew Jersey. He does eventually meet the love of his life (the titular Mother) who is first seen in the season finale of season 8.
  • Jason Segel as Marshall Eriksen, Ted's best  friend. Marshall is married to Lily, with who he has been in love since his first year of college, and they serve as an inspiration for Ted to find his true love. Marshall was born outside of New York (St. Cloud, Minnesota), but considers the city his home. His dream to be an environmental lawyer was halted when he did not have enough money to pay for his wedding to Lily, so he worked with Barney at GNB . In flash-forward scenes set in the future, Marshall is elected a justice to the New York State Supreme Court.
  • Cobie Smulders as Robin Scherbatsky, a news anchor and Ted's ex-girlfriend. Robin emigrated from Canada to take a job in a news station and met Ted at MacLaren's. Though her relationship with Ted ended, they continue to remain close friends. Her Canadian background is a source of many jokes from her friends, particularly from Barney. She smokes cigars and drinks causing Barney to fall in love for her. They later embark on a relationship that eventually sees them married. In season two it is revealed that, as a teenager, she was a pop star under the stage name Robin Sparkles and had a hit song named "Let's Go to the Mall". Later she went grunge under the name Robin Daggers. Her full name, Robin Charles Sherbatsky, Jr. is revealed in the season four episode "Happily Ever After", explained by the fact that her father was disappointed that he did not have a son. She and Barney get engaged and later marry at the end of season 9, but a flash scene shows them divorcing 3 years later.
  • Neil Patrick Harris as Barney Stinson, the holder of an unknown position at Goliath National Bank  Barney's real name is Barnabus Stinso. Due to his father leaving him as a young child.  Barney is one of two of the group who was actually from New York (Lily being the second). He falls for Robin and the pair become engaged. They marry at the end of Season 9 and divorce after 3 years. In 2020, he has a daughter named Ellie.
  • Alyson Hannigan as Lily Aldrin, a teacher, aspiring artist, and Marshall's wife. Lily is the group's moderator, always there to resolve a conflict or to offer a shoulder on which to cry. Barney uses her as a confidante, though she is terrible at keeping secrets. She has also been revealed to be very manipulative, . She met Marshall in college and they have been together ever since, breaking up only once. Though appearing sweet and cute. During Season 7, she becomes pregnant and has Marshall's and her first child, Marvin Waitforit Eriksen. Like Barney, she is a true New Yorker. In season 9, she becomes pregnant with her second child, Daisy, and in a flash-forward sequence, she has a third child, another girl.

I love this Tv Show because is so funny and incredible, my favourite charcater is Lily because she is so crazy and funny, she always says the truth and that's a very good. But i love Robin too I know she is not like Lily but Robin is strong and incredible. 

My favorites quotes

These are my favorite quotes and I will chose one. 

-Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. ( la felicitat es pot trobar als moments més foscos només et tens de recordar d'encendre el llum) - Quote by Albus Dumbledore

-“Becoming fearless isn't the point. That's impossible. It's learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it.”  ( no tenir por no és l'objectiu. És impossible. És apendre com controlar la teva por, i com actues davant d'ella) Veronica Roth, Divergent  

-“Fear doesn't shut you down; it wakes you up”  ( La por no et tomba t'aixeca)Veronica Roth, Divergent 

-“Here's some advice. Stay alive.” -( Un consell, sobreviu)Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games  

-“Fear cuts deeper than swords.”         (  La por fa talls més profunds que les espases) George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

-“Winter is coming.”    (l'hivern s'acosta)George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones    
  I have chosen " Fear cuts deeper than swords" because this quote is from Game of Thrones , I love this saga. 
I think this quote is very powerfull, and I love the meaning;  fear is in your mine don't be scared if you are not scary maybe you can do more things. Well, it have a lot of meanings but possiibly that is the best. 
Arya Stark said this quote when she was training with her sword master. I love Arya Stark is my favourite character because i'm very indentificated with her. 
So I will put  this phrase in my t-shirt. 

dimecres, 4 de juny del 2014

Imatge Description

First  will describe this photo. In the photo you can see some zebras. And also  you can see a sunset.
On the right there are three zebras, showing their sides. The fourth zebra is facing the camera and the last zebra is eating.
At the bottom there is some grass.
On the right there is one little tree. On the left there are some bushes.
At the top the sky is orange. There are some clauds araund the sun.
In the backgraund there i shaze.
This photo is peaceful and natrual.
I think the photografer is trying to show natural Africa. The sunset symbolizes the end of the day and I think i sthe most beautiful part of the day.
I think this photo symoblizes the Peaceful Africa  without humans or anything like that. I think the sunset symbolizesn the end of the wildlife because the humans are destroying everything and that's no good for animals plants and for us.
The fourth zebra seems as if it is asking "Why humans, why do you destroy wildlife".  and that is crazy because we need the nature for our lives. 

 link: google imatges

dimecres, 28 de maig del 2014

My favourite character from a book

My favourite charcatar from a movie is Gale Hawthorne from The Hunger Games.
Gale is a hunter form District 12 he hunt with Katniss Everdeen who is the girl on fire. 
Gale don't have father because his father died like ten years ago with Katniss's father in a mine explotion.
Gale is Katniss best friend but he loves her. 
Gale in first book  suffer a lot because Katniss went to The Hunger Games and for survive she needed to be peeta's girlfriend but not in the reality. The problem is Peeta loves Katniss and he said it in the capitol televison before The hunger games started.
Katniss in second book Katniss think possibly she loves he but not realy because Katniss loves Peeta. 
Gale in last book take part in the war with Katniss but with out Peeta because he is a prisioner in the Capitol. 
In the final two big bombs explote in the capitol and Prim died. Katniss was angry with Gale because he designe the bombs but he wasn't the responsable about that. 
I love Gale because he is so strong and intelligent, he don't talk a lot but don't matter. Some people hate him because they think Gale killed Prim but no, he only designe the bombs. 

Gale Hawthorne
Katniss Everdeen
links: google imatges 

divendres, 23 de maig del 2014

Power of Imatges

In this photo you can see a polar bear beeing happy. The bear is white and a little bit brown.
It is in a little iceberg, watching the sea patienlly. You can see it is smiling because is happy.
In background you can see a big one white iceberg, At the bottom you can see clarity water. 
It's a very interesting scene because the polar bear is smiling.
This photo is paceful it transmits relaxing thaughts.  If you can see this photo transmits a message, water is clarity so it transmits loyal and truth. In the backgraund are a big one iceberg and it is white and white transmits pure. The bear is quiet but can be aggresive and it mean dangerous.
So the meaning of that is the bear is pure and loyal but it can be aggresive and dangerous so don't disturb a quiet bear. 

<object width="148" height="44"><param name="movie" value="http://vocaroo.com/player.swf?playMediaID=s19wFXFMvQAd&autoplay=0"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://vocaroo.com/player.swf?playMediaID=s19wFXFMvQAd&autoplay=0" width="148" height="44" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object><br><a href="http://vocaroo.com" style="font-size:xx-small;" title="Vocaroo Voice Recorder">Audio recording &gt;&gt;</a>

divendres, 16 de maig del 2014

News- Gold under water

About 1.3 million dollars’ worth of treasure has been recovered from a shipwreck in the Atlantic Ocean.
A deep-ocean exploration company in Florida says it has recovered nearly 1,000 ounces (28.3 kilograms) of gold from the ship which had 21 tons of gold aboard at the time of its sinking in 1857. The dive confirmed the ship had not been disturbed since 1991 when another company stopped recovery work.
“During the first reconnaissance dive, we actually picked up several gold items. We had five gold bars that totalled 1,000 ounces in weight. We also picked up two mid-1800s 20 dollar gold pieces.”
The two $20 Double Eagle coins discovered are said to fetch an average of $5,000 from collectors.
The sinking, caused by a hurricane off the coast of South Carolina, sparked a huge financial crisis in America, dubbed the Panic of 1857, which lasted several years.
Difficult words: treasure (valuable things like gold), reconnaissance (recovery), dubbed (named)

Has been dicobbered a treasure from a shipwreck in the Atlantic Ocean. About 1.3 million dollars has been discovered. A deep-ocean exploration company says it has recovered nearly 1,000 ounces (28.3 kilograms) of gold from the ship is there since 1857.
“During the first reconnaissance dive, we actually picked up several gold items [...] "
The two $20 Double Eagle coins discovered are said to fetch an average of $5,000 from collectors.

divendres, 9 de maig del 2014


We went to Berlin in Holly Week and was fantastic, we visited  lot of places; consentration camp, museums -a lot of museums-. 
We walked a lot and we were very tired. The food was normal exept for dinner! I HATE that food!! Was horrible, always with this stupid sauce, and "Kartoffel"(potatos). The meat was horrible too. 
My favorite place was Alexander Platz. This place was wonderful.
We went a Turkish neighborhood  for lunch something, normally if you go in Turkish neighborhood you eat a Kebab or something like that, but no, my group and I ate a pizza! Maybe we are strange or maybe we are more intelligent than others. 
My favorite museum was about ancient civilisations. There was Nefertiti's bust, was amazing, I love that, another museum near  "Nefertiti's bust museum" there was a Greek temple and there was represented "Titanomaquia" .
We went to diferents museums who honored Jewish. We went to consentration camp, was good. 
We visited a lot of munuments too.

divendres, 11 d’abril del 2014


Last week we went to a talk, they explain us their experiencies there in Catalonia.
Their fathers were republicans and they fought in the civil spanish war, but they losed the war. 
They fathers scaped to France but when they scaped to french started 2nd World War, but France knew there were a lot of catalans there and told to Spain what they should do with these catalans, Spain told they "there aren't  Spainsh people out of Spain" so Germany caught the catalans and put they in consentration camps because nobody want them. 
A lot of catalan people died in these consentration camps. 
One man brounght one of his father's letter, but he can't read the letter because he was so moved. 
An other man told us he knew his father's dead three or four years after it happen like the other man.
They visited the consentration camp a lot of times, and they know wich oven were burn they fathers. 
In my opinion this told was to emotive it's horrible what  a lot of people felt in cocentration camps, it isn't humanity. 

divendres, 4 d’abril del 2014

Interviews in Barcelona

We went to Barcelona on 27th we visited the city. At morning we did a interviews to turists in afternoon we went to theatre.We watched "doña rosita la solterona".
 I did a interview to one old couple from England. 
They have just arrive to Barcelona and they have not visit any monuments yet. The couple had visit Mexico and they speak a little bit of Spanish. 
They like catalan and spanish food, they eat tapas with "pa amb tomata". 
They would visit the cathedral and "la rambla".
They were going to stay there 1 day and the next week three days. Is the first time they are in spain and they like it. 
They will return in Barcelona. 

Audio recording >>

divendres, 21 de març del 2014

Romeo and Juliet reflexions

Question 1. SETTING:Places Where does the classical play and the new version take place? Example: Verona vs Verona Beach . Where are they? Which century?
The classical play take place in Verona,Italy, on fourteenth century.
 And the new version  take place in Verona Beach, USA is a parody of typical city near sea in 80' more or less. 

Question 2.IMAGERY: metaphors & images :
WATER (swimming pool, beach, aquarium...) and FIRE (petrol station, fights...)
DAY and NIGHT, the MOON. What do they mean?

These metaphors and images like swimming pool, aquarium make a pacefull and romantic atmosphere these atmospheres are when Romeo and Juliet are together because they are happy and in love. But when  Tybalt die are rainnig so the rain symbolize tears, Romeo are scared because Tybalt is dead and he killed him. 
Thunderstorm appers when Mercutio die and it means a change because after this start the destrucion.
The fire, petrol station... symbolize danger always appears in fights when there are a lot of action. It can symbolize death like night, but the moon symbolize secrets because Romeo and Juliet talked on night. 

Question 3.LANGUAGE. Which characters speak in verse and which in prose? Who is the narrator?
The characters who speak in verse are Romeo and Juliet princpally but Benvolio, Tybalt and Mercutio speak in verse too.
The other characters speak in prose are the other charcaters.

Question 4. THE FANCY DRESS PARTY.What's the role of the costumes?
The role of the costumers :Juliet is a angel and symbolize innocence.Romeo is a Knight and simbolize brave and protecion, Lady Capulet is cleopatra and  simbolize power and beauty.
Lord Capulet is Ceaser and symbolize power and dictadure.
Mercutio is a  "travesti" and symbolize the show and peace.
Tyblat is a demon and symbolize the devil.
Paris is a astronaut and symbolize he is always in the moon

Question 5. ELEMENTS. To make the new version, basic elements have been changed. Example: swords for gun
They change a lot of elements like: the party costumers for the masks party
the Prince of Verona for the sherif
the cars from the horses and a lot of things more.
Question 6. Other differences of the classical version and the film version
The classical version isn't comical and is more serious but in the film version is more comical, for example Mercutio is a showman, Paris in the classical version is intelligent and in the film version is a little bit silly. 
The friar lawrance is strange. He isn't a normal friar, he is a modern friar

divendres, 7 de març del 2014

Love song- Taylor Swift

We were both young when I first saw you.- Tots dos erem joves quan et vaig veure
I close my eyes and the flashback starts:   Tanco els meus ulls i els flaixbacs començen
I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air. - Estic aqui al balcó amb l'aire d'estiu

See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns. -mira les llums,mira la festa, mira els vestits de gala

See you make your way through the crowd- miro com camines fent pas enmig d ela gent
And say, "Hello,"- I dius "hola
Little did I know... -has fet una cosa petita ho sé

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles,-  Estaves aqui Romeo, Estaves tirant pedretes 
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet" - I el meu papa va dir " Allunya't de la Juliet"
And I was crying on the staircase  - I estava plorant a les escales
Begging you, "Please don't go" - et vaig suplicar " Siusplau no t'envagis "
And I said...  I vaig dir....

Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. -Romeo, portem a algun lloc on podem estar sols

I'll be waiting; all that's left to do is run. - Estaré esperarnt, tot tot el que queda per fer és córrer

You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess, -  Sigues el meu príncep, jo seré la teva princesa
It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes." - És una història d'amor, "estimat", només digues "si"

So I sneak out to the garden to see you. - Em vaig escapar a fora al jardí per veure't
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew - Nosaltres vam estar quiets perquè si ho sabien estàvem morts 
So close your eyes... escape this town for a little while. - Tanca els ulls, escapa d'aquest poble per una estona
Oh, oh. Oh, Oh

'Cause you were Romeo – I was a scarlet letter, Perque tu eres en Romeo- Era un estigma
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet." - I el meu papa va dir " Allunya't de la Juliet"
But you were everything to me, -Però tu ho eres tot per mi 
I was begging you, "Please don't go." -et vaig suplicar " Siusplau no t'envagis "
And I said...  I vaig dir....

Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.  Romeo, portem a algun lloc on podem estar sols
I'll be waiting; all that's left to do is run.  Romeo, portem a algun lloc on podem estar sols
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess. Sigues el meu príncep, jo seré la teva princesa
It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes." És una història d'amor, "estimat", només digues "si"

Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel. Romeo salva'm, ells esta intentant dir-me com tinc de sentir
This love is difficult but it's real. L'amor es difícil però és real 

Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess. No t'espantis, ho farem fora d'aquest embolic

It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes."  És una història d'amor, "estimat", només digues "si"

Oh, oh. Oh, Oh

I got tired of waiting Estic cansada d'esperar

Wondering if you were ever coming around. Estria sorpresa si tornessis 

My faith in you was fading   La meva fe en tu s'esvaïa
When I met you on the outskirts of town.  Quan et vaig conèixer als afores del poble
And I said. I vag dir

"Romeo, save me, I've been feeling so alone. Romeo salva'm, Em sento molt sola
I keep waiting for you but you never come. T'estic esperant però tu mai vens
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think."  És al meu cap? No sé què pensar
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said...  Ell es va agenollar a terra i va treure un anell i va dir ...

"Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone. Casa't amb mi Juliet, mai tindràs que estar sola
I love you, and that's all I really know. T'estimo i això és el que sé del cert
I talked to your dad – go pick out a white dress Vaig parlar amb el teu pare- treu fora el vestit blanc
It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes." És una història d'amor, "estimada", només digues "Sí" 

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh,oh,oh,oh,oh

'Cause we were both young when I first saw you.   Tots dos erem joves quan et vaig veure

I think this song explain basiclly Romeo and Juliet but is a little bit different for example: her parents want this marriage (at finally) and in the story no. 
I like this song is beauty and romantic.